Dreaming of a live, in person show again? Nothing says good-bye quarantine like this weekend’s dance performance and some great weather (all on the menu!). A stellar collaboration of multiple mediums, including various dance styles and storytelling like you haven’t experienced it before, Dream Chapters, will come alive at Mt. Airy, and Evalina "Wally" Carbonell (@wallydance1) is inviting you to get tickets early! Of course, it is safely outdoors, so the seating is extremely limited. And don’t forget your most creative masks to get in the spirit with these quirky and talented artists.
Wally is a regular with being at the forefront of new things and production. She is an independent choreographer and dance artist with Phildelphia’s Kun-Yang Lin/ Dancers (KYL/D) who produces several finished works a year and corona is not stopping her or her group of collaborators this time around. One of the first to return to live performance, she has been building her own body of choreographic work since 2012.
Co-producer, Weiwei Ma, is another fellow creator and dance artist from KYL/D. (The pair was featured on their last Fringe show, Blood, in the City Pulse’s “Fringe Binge” guide.) With the Dream Chapters experience, Ma and Wally’s goal was to provide ground for all different artists to build challenging work for themselves using a common jumping off point.
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT: Dream Chapters features six solo works, created and performed by dance artists, Evalina Carbonell, Joshua Culbreath, Weiwei Ma, Paul Matteson, Ariel Isakowitz, and Shayla-Vie Jenkins. Actress and writer, Tatyana Yassuckovich, will weave an original poetic performance alongside and throughout each distinct chapter. This intimate live performance is a personal and collective return to the immersive magic of storytelling, articulated by an incredible cast of Philadelphia artists.

The dance artists in this show were chosen from a variety of artistic perspectives and movement backgrounds, for maximizing stimulation for their audiences. An actress and writer on board helped dig for the unknown connections between the dancers. The co-producers hope the show will inspire audiences, cause them to look more at their own dreams, and connect with this “non-waking magic”, Wally describes. And she is glad to be back in person. “Dream Chapters has given me a lot of joy and [challenge] on the production end and it is already worth every moment of process. We will continue to make new discoveries in the work with each performance and I think that's what makes live performance important and compelling.”
So join me in Mt. Airy this weekend and experience the show, through Sunday! Buy at Eventbrite, https://dreamchapters.eventbrite.com or call 301-651-2262. Wally is originally from Maryland and holds a BFA in Dance. She has been dancing professionally since 2005. For more about Wally visit http://www.evalinacarbonell.com/