Exciting news for local businesses and Pennsylvania - New Jersey farmers this past weekend as a brand new supermarket enjoyed its opening at 408 2nd Street Pike. Hampton Food Market, spearheaded by local Southampton area residents, looks fresh and beautiful inside, as I got a sneak preview before the grand opening. Like a delightful Christmas present, the cleanliness of the store, friendly staff (they actually smile!) and vibrancy of the colors and décor spells a pleasant shopping experience for everyone. And they are hiring! For $15/hour. This is quite a victory for area businesses after the hardships of COVID-19. Not only is the enterprise run by locals rather than a faceless chain, but much of the produce also comes from area farmers.
“The apples and cider are the best you’ll ever taste”, all members of the supermarket's products team agree. And that’s because they've done the research! Traveling near and far for tastings, the team was quite picky with who made the cut to offer the best, locally sourced fruits and vegetables. Still, what impressed me the most as I roamed around with my press pass was the absolute large variety of available goods. More ice cream options than I could count, same with jams and teas, an up and coming in-house baker and prepackaged, organic breads, lots of choice brands for the health-conscious and for those with a European flair, the market boasts a wide variety of European specialty goods. Check out the lavish frozen section, and just in time for Christmas!
(Video Courtesy of Hampton Food Market.)

While there is a large European and former Soviet bloc population in the area, and several other options to shop European further away, this supermarket is really a welcome new site to the community. Now area locals don’t have to travel more than five-ten minutes to enjoy the shopping they want, while those living further out have more variety. Already, Southampton is anticipating the grand opening. “It’s always nice to have a new shopping option” says neighbor and area resident Karina Dovchenko. “I live close by and am glad to have Ukrainian and Moldavian foods so close to my house. I’m also happy for my neighbors, after watching many businesses close their doors during the pandemic. This is hope, something new and positive.”
Hampton Food Market opened its doors this weekend. Come by for all of your shopping! And follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hamptonfoodmarket - you’ll get regular recipe ideas for any occasion.